Happy Weekend
Hope you all had a great week! I started mine off on Sunday by taking my first Soul Cycle class. (Full disclosure: I do not exercise and have basically zero motivation to do so.) After hearing great things about the classes, I thought I'd give it a try, since I've promptly given up on every other form of exercise I've tried. Turns out, it's pretty awesome. Don't get me wrong, it was without a doubt, the hardest I've ever worked in my life & I had a hard time walking the next day, but I felt amazing afterward and really think it made a huge positive influence in my daily life (yup, definitely drank the kool aid). If you're considering trying it - I'd highly recommend it! (P.S. first time riders can take a class for $20) I'm hoping to go once a week and see how much better it makes me feel. All part of my new plan.
image by me for D+J