Let's Get Together

As I mentioned last week, one of the best parts of blogging is getting to know so many people you would otherwise have never met. I'd love to know more about you and thought it'd be fun to ask you a few questions about yourself!
Current location:
Day job:
Silly dream job:
Favorite vacation spot:
Something on your bucket list:
Starbucks order:
Last book read (+ enjoyed):
Something interesting about yourself:
Here are my answers:
Current location: NYC
Day job: graphic designer at Madewell
Silly dream job: professional surfer
Favorite vacation spot: any beach
Something on your bucket list: visit all 50 states (35 down!)
Starbucks order: grande iced caramel macchiato
Last book read (+ enjoyed): The Paris Wife
Something interesting about yourself: growing up, I wanted to work in a restuarant
where I could roller-skate